... is Augustin Fresnel Professor at Institut d'Optique, Professor at Ecole Polytechnique, and CNRS Distinguished Scientist (Directeur de recherche CNRS) emeritus at Laboratoire Charles Fabry.
He is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, the French Academy of Technologies, and of the Royal Society (UK). In 2005 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, where he is currently Research Director. The 2010 Wolf Prize in physics was awarded to Alain Aspect, Anton Zeilinger, and John Clauser. In 2013, he was awarded the Danish Niels Bohr International Gold Medal, and was also awarded the Balzan Prize for Quantum Information Processing and Communication.
The International Balzan Prize Foundation awarded Alain Aspect in 2013
"for his pioneering experiments which led to a striking confirmation of Quantum Mechanics as opposed to local hidden-variable theories. His work has opened the way to the experimental control of entangled quantum states, the essential element of Quantum Information Processing."
... is Research Director at CNRS, with the Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée (LPMC) at the University Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS). At LPMC, he leads the team “Quantum Information with Light & Matter” (QILM), which aims at exploiting integrated photonics and cold atomic ensembles as enabling technologies for quantum communication and information science.
He was awarded the 2014 UNS outstanding research prize, one of the 2013 Grants from the Simone & Cino Del Duca (Institut de France) Research Foundation, the 2010 IXCORE Research Foundation prize, the 2009 CNRS Bronze Medal, and the 2008 Fabry - de Gramont Prize from the French Optical Society (SFO).
YQIS'15 Sponsors
YQIS'15 is financially and logistically supported by
The International Balzan Prize Foundation’s aim is to promote culture, the sciences and the most meritorious initiatives in the cause of humanity, peace and fraternity among peoples throughout the world.
Founded in 1920, Institut d’Optique Graduate School is a Grande École of Engineering and a founding member of ParisTech. Its international reputation is built on the quality of the education it offers, the major scientific contributions of its research centre, and its close ties with industry.
Institut d’Optique Graduate School is recognised under French law as being of public utility and is under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
The GDR IQFA is the national French network on "Quantum Information, Foundations & Applications".
IQFA's goal is two-fold: first, to establish a common base of knowledge, and second, to use this platform to emulate new knowledge.
Photonic Integrated Compound Quantum Encoding (PICQUE) is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network involving 10 full partners and 8 associated partners from 7 different European countries, and aims at forming the new generation of quantum information scientists. PICQUE is at the core of European technological innovation.